Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Joke: Short Animal Jokes - Cows, Part 2

What do you call cattle with a sense of humor?
Laughing stock.

What do you call Eskimo cows?

What do you get from a cow on the North Pole?
Cold cream.

What do you get from a cow with a split personality?
Half and half.

What do you get from a forgetful cow?
Milk of amnesia.
What do you get from a short-legged cow?
Dragon milk.
What do you get from an invisible cow?
Evaporated milk.
What do you get from pampered cows?
Spoiled milk.

What do you get if you cross a steer and a chicken?
Roost beef.

What do you get when you cross a rooster and a cow?

What do you get when you have a cow and a duck?
Milk and quackers.

What goes "moof"?
A cow with buck teeth.

What has four legs and goes, "Oom! Oom!"?
A cow walking backwards.

What is a cow's favorite thing to do?
Watch a moo-vie.

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