Saturday, 14 June 2008

What People Want

It's interesting and helpful to know what brings people to my blog, so occasionally I check the search terms readers use. By far, the most common inquiry is "how to get rid of stray cats". That search will take them here and here (Note: the second link is far more useful). I had no idea there were that many unwanted cats in the world. The worst search string is "how to poison feral/stray cats". It's so upsetting to know that people are actually considering this option. I do not, under any circumstances, condone poisoning an animal.

Disheartening as it is to discover that people are looking for ways to kill an animal, I'm happy to report that many folks are looking for ways to help sick pets, feed bunnies living in their backyards, or ideas on how to keep their pets entertained.

A few other memorable searches:

"What to do when dog eats thong"
I have no idea. In fact, I can't recall ever using the word 'thong' in my blog.

"Wearing fur for bugs"

"Alcoholic names for pets"
This is searched quite often, so don't be surprised if you meet a Chocolate Martini or Bloody Mary next time you visit the dog park.

I hope that no matter what brings readers here, they will return to share some of their own stories and comments.

Update July 8, 2008: Yesterday, someone discovered my site with the search "is rabbit safe to eat from the backyard". I wouldn't recommend it. I don't think the rabbit would either.

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