Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Joke: Short Animal Jokes - Dogs, Part 9

Why did the dalmatian go to the cleaners?
His coat had spots all over it.

Why did the dog and cat go toot! toot!?
They were trumpets.

Why did the dog become a motorcycle cop?
He wanted to chase speeding cars.

Why did the dog buy a toupee?
He was a Mexican Hairless.

Why did the dog call a taxi?
He was too lazy to run.

Why did the dog go to the doctor after a tomato fell on his head?
The tomato was in a can.

Why did the dog have to move to a new apartment?
He lost his leash.

Why did the dog jump off the Empire State Building?
He wanted to make a hit on Broadway.

Why did the dog run after the duck?
Everyone kept telling him to get down.

Why did the dog say he was an actor?
His leg was in a cast.

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