Friday, 21 March 2008

Bunny Facts

Rabbit Resting in Yard
It's Easter -- a perfect time to learn some fun facts about rabbits:

The female rabbit can conceive a second litter while pregnant with the first. That's pretty amazing, but not an ability I'd be particularly keen on sharing.

Rabbits can see behind them without turning their heads. Interestingly, my daughter believes I can do this.

Rabbits have one of five different eye colours -- brown, blue-gray, blue, marbled or pink. I've always found those pink eyes a little freaky.

Bunnies are weaned at eight weeks. Remember when I discovered that tennis ball-sized bunny in the yard last summer? Apparently, he'd already been kicked out of the nest and was on his own.

Rabbits can suffer from heat stroke. It was a very hot day when I took the above picture of the rabbit in my yard. Since it's unusual for them to be out in the middle of the day, I figure he was probably cooling off in the shade of the cedars.

Good news -- rabbit droppings make excellent garden fertilizer. This means that not only will my gardens flourish this summer, but I'll be able to make money selling the poop the bunny has left in my yard.

Domestic rabbits can live 8 - 12 years, so if you're thinking about buying a bunny this Easter, you're in for the long haul.

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