Thursday, 12 June 2008

A healthy dog bowl

The nice folks at Long Tail Pet Products were kind enough to send me samples of a dog bowl that is clinically proven to slow down dogs' eating habits and help reduce common problems such as gas, belching, vomiting, gagging, anxiety and bloating.

DogPause - The Healthy Dog Bowl was invented by Nancy Kerrigan, an inventor who also happens to be a dog fanatic. Nancy heard her dog gag one time too many, and had an idea to divide the bowl into smaller "feeding zones" and add a fun element to the bowl in the center. Her dog just couldn't get her entire face into the bowl, and as a result, ate more slowly. It was pure genius!

The timing was perfect, my son had just adopted a new puppy, Hershey. We decided to get Hershey's opinion.

Hershey hasn't developed the bad habit of snarfing her food yet, or eating too quickly. What Hershey likes to do is to eat off the floor and not out of her dish. Hershey can tip other food bowls rather quickly and strew her food around the floor. Then, the cats play hockey with it, and soon there's a layer of crunchiness all over the house.

We discovered a hidden benefit of the DogPause bowl. Hershey can't tip this bowl over! Her food stays in the bowl where it belongs and she can eat it slowly.

The DogPause bowl is online at for an introductory price of $17.95.

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