Thursday, 13 December 2007

All I Want For Christmas: Part I

I've covered useless dog products, so seeing as it's Christmas, I thought I'd check up on the cute, not so useless products out there.

Doggy Smile

At first glance, I thought this was rather gruesome, but it's actually a fetch toy. It's for people who like to laugh at their dog, I suppose.

Dog Raincoat

The other day, I drove by a woman walking her dog in the freezing rain, and I wondered if the dog was cold, and how long it took to dry off once they arrived home. Suddenly, I realized that I was wrong about dogs and clothing, and how they should never come together. Raincoats for dogs makes perfect sense.

Certified 100% biodegradable Dog waste bags and cat pan liners. No Polyethylene, nature knows the difference

I like these--environmentally friendly poop and scoop bags, and cat pan liners.

Slobber-Wick Squeakless Bone Dog Toy

This toy sucks up the slobber, and since I'm now a cat owner and no longer used to drool, this is the perfect hostess gift to bring along when I visit a friend with a playful, drooling dog.

And because there are so many useless products for pets, I had to include at least one:

Sport Dog Swim Trunks - Casual Canine Dog Clothes

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