Sunday, 20 July 2008

Tips to Prevent Chewing and Biting in Puppies - Part 2

Your puppy will need chew toys that outlast his teeth and others that he can really get his teeth into. Add some squeaky toys, balls, tug-o-ropes, and whatever else you think your pup will enjoy that won't hurt him.

If your puppy chews on you or your clothing, make Tips to Prevent Chewing and Biting in Puppiesa loud noise, such as 'no', to get his attention, then remove whatever it is that he's chewing on. Promptly replace it with an appropriate toy for him to chew on and reward him when he does.

Although often thought to be a teething behavior, nipping, mouthing and biting in young dogs is generally a form of social play. Teething is more likely to involve gnawing or chewing on household objects. The first thing you must do is to provide your puppy with ample opportunity for play without biting. Social play with people could involve chase and retrieve games, as well as long walks or jogging. Although wrestling and tug of war games can be fun, they may lead to play that is too rough or rambunctious. Puppies need to learn bite inhibition. This is something they start to learn while with they are littermates. It is one reason that puppies should not go to new homes until 7 - 8 weeks and they have had time to practice social skills with other dogs. It can therefore be extremely beneficial for the puppy to have regular interactive social play periods with other dogs or puppies in the home or in the neighborhood.

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